Amazing Facts About Unusual Animals - DNA Vetcare Group


Amazing Animal Facts

Another week has come to an end! We hope you are all staying safe and well. Our wonderful vets and nurses have put together a video of some incredible, fascinating and surprising facts about their unusual pets!

Now, it’s time to test your brain…Click here to do a super quick quiz to find out your score (🙈 No cheating)! Don’t forget to tell us how you did!

Brave Little George

The ever-so-handsome 8-month-old George came in today to see our vet Viraf because he’s been having troubles pooping for the last few weeks. While we first found and treated a nasty parasite he had called Giardia, the diarrhoea came back so sweet George visited Wimbledon Vets again. Our amazing vet Viraf performed an ultrasound to find a very thick, inflamed segment of his gut. Our vet also, performed a biopsy of this gut to find out exactly what it is and to get him the best treatment for it.

While we try to avoid a big operation wherever possible, gut biopsies are the only way to diagnose some diseases of the gut, in particular IBD (Inflammatory Bowel Disease) and lymphoma.

George has been very brave today and even after a big operation he’s up, and ready to play!

Guess The Breed…

Beautiful Poppy visited Croydon Vets with a skin complaint 🐰. Despite her size, she is a gentle giant and let our Vet Mark perform a thorough examination to determine the cause of the scabs.

Do you know what breed of rabbit Poppy is? – Tip: she weighs 5kg! ⚖️

Post-op Hugs

This lovely boy is Benjy! 🥰

Benjy visited Streatham Hill Vets to have his anal gland removed (saculectomy) as it was getting infected and causing pain 😣

Our talented lead vet, Gabriella, had to delicately remove the anal gland making extra sure that it didn’t rupture (burst). He received lots of TLC which I’m sure, he enjoyed!

Benjy was such a brave boy and is now back home recuperating (and getting spoilt! 😍)We wish him a speedy recovery 💜