WVS' Rabies Rally 2024 | DNA Vetcare Group

What an incredible experience at this year’s World Veterinary Service (WVS) Rabies Rally! DNA Vetcare has been proudly supporting the amazing work that Worldwide Veterinary Service – WVS does for many years. Thanks to the contributions from our fantastic clients DNA Vetcare was thrilled to sponsor and participate in such a fun and meaningful event, racing through the beautiful landscapes of Cornwall for the second year running. Alongside the adventure, we had the chance to learn about the vital work being done by WVS, WHO, Dogs Trust, MSD, CEVA, and other organizations in the fight to eradicate rabies globally. 💚

Our team consisted of Stephanie RVN (Streatham Hill head nurse), Deanna RVN (Croydon Veterinary Surgery‘s head nurse), Paul RVN (our projects manager), Radu (one of Mead Veterinary Centre‘s vets), Aida (Streatham night VCA and vet) and Dane (clinical director).

We’re proud to share that members of the DNA Vetcare team took home both first and last place! It was a fantastic event, and we’re so grateful to Luke Gamble and the entire WVS team for their dedication and inspiration.

About Mission Rabies

Mission Rabies aims to eradicate bite borne human rabies by 2030. This horrible disease still plagues many countries, causing 59,000 death a year – most of them children under 15. WVS helps slow the spread of rabies by sending teams all over the world (including our team to India back in February 2024) to vaccinate as many dogs as possible.

Cambodia 2024

Our support doesn’t end here! We are dedicated to supporting WVS’ battle against rabies and will be sending a team to Cambodia next month to vaccinate as many dogs as we can alongside WVS. Follow us on social media to learn more!
